Where does our gold come from?

With many countries turning to gold once again in the recent months, I’ve been wondering where in the world all our yellow metal is being mined from. And it seems the majority of the it is mined from several countries, with China, Australia, and Russia being the top three.

China is the largest gold producer in the world, with the country producing about 330 metric tons of gold in 2022. The majority of China’s gold production comes from the Shandong province, which is home to several large gold mines. China’s gold mining industry has been growing rapidly over the past few decades due to increased investment in the sector and improved mining technologies.

Australia is tied with Russia as the second-largest gold producer in the world, with both countries producing about 320 metric tons of gold in 2022. The majority of Australia’s gold production comes from the states of Western Australia and New South Wales, which are home to several large gold mines. The Australian gold mining industry has a long history and has been a significant contributor to the country’s economy.

Russia’s gold production comes from several regions, including the Krasnoyarsk, Magadan, and Irkutsk regions. The Russian gold mining industry has been growing in recent years due to increased investment in the sector and improved mining technologies.

Other significant gold-producing countries include the United States, Canada, Peru, Ghana, South Africa, Mexico, and Brazil, among others. These countries have significant gold reserves and have been producing gold for decades.

The distribution of gold production among countries can vary from year to year, depending on factors such as mining investment, production costs, geopolitical stability, and gold prices. However, China, Australia, and Russia are the top three gold-producing countries and are still expected to continue dominating the gold mining industry in the coming years.

Source: https://www.statista.com/statistics/264628/world-mine-production-of-gold/

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